Jan Ogren, MFT

Released - February 2017.   

This book is in honor of my father, Ken Ogren's philosophy of life. 

On December 3rd, 2018, he had a 100th birthday celebration and memorial service which he got to plan and attend himself.  He often said he regretted that at memorial services the person who was being honored was not there to appreciate it. So he got to attend his own service where he read poems from this book. (see poems below)   

To watch the video of his 100th celebration scroll down below the book launch video. 

June 2024 I revised the title -  to Celebrate Life 

To buy a signed copy - email Janowrites@gmail.com 

To see inside the book and to buy online go to: 


it is available in Sonoma County at 

Corrick's Stationery, Gallery & Gifts Downtown -  637 4th St, Santa Rosa 

Watch the video of the book launch on May 7th 2017

Ken Ogren's 100th Birthday and Memorial Celebration 

Poems from Choose Life 

that Ken Ogren read at the end of his 100th birthday/memorial celebration 

Planning  to  Die


I plan to die.


Not next Thursday.

Probably not before the holidays.


But some day,

some year.


I do plan to die.


It is not an “if.”

And I will not simply “pass away,” “kick the bucket,” or “take a long trip.”

I certainly don’t want to be “lost.”

I won’t even agree to “expire.”

I am going to die. 


I’m sorry if it disturbs you,

- that I don’t pretend I will live forever,

but I don’t want death sneaking up -

surprising me and my friends.


I want everyone to know that I do intend to die.

It won’t be a mistake - or a failure,

all my life, I have planned,

as my final act - to die.



   Remember to Pack Love


Remember to care for the part of you that continues on

– after this life.

It’s here now, hiding inside.

More than a breath,

more than a pulse.


The moment people shed their skins,

you know –

there is more missing in those cold corpses

than just a smile.

Someone was there.

Where they have gone is non physical  

    –       so enjoy the touch of your lover’s hand.

Savor the sweetness of raspberries in spring.


But don’t forget that part of you that will continue on – past life.

Help it to prepare for its journey.

Don’t bother packing the business suits and fancy clothes,

no need for extra underwear, or even a toothbrush.

There’s nothing you have struggled to buy that it will want.

But what should you pack for it? 

Perhaps some love, self-awareness, memories?


You could heed the advice of those who have gone before.

It’s always the same:

Pack lighter – I took too much.

Just yourself - is all you need.”

So unpack those fears and “shoulds.”

Quit obsessing about what you don’t have,

leave behind what you haven’t done yet.


You’ll be fine.

Love more, fear less

and you’ll be perfectly prepared

for death.


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