Jan Ogren, MFT

Jan Ögren, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist
621 Cherry St.    Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 544-7756

Psychological Shamanism

Practice Suggestions


Suggestions for next steps from the workshop on Laughing with Spirits: Creating Healthy Relationships with Spirits and Natural Energies. 

-                      PRACTICE. Build into your life daily or weekly routines to open up to spirits and the natural world.

-                      Set protections to feel safe and be clear with your boundaries. Can use guides from the workshop for setting up protections.

-                      Develop and use cleansing and centering rituals.

-                      Use your imagination – helps open up to possibilities.

-                      Do as you would with a new human friend. Arrange times, places to talk. Be willing to share yourself. Listen to them. Find things in common that you both enjoy. Talk and share with others about your new friends.

-                      Explore different forms of messages (see handout on spirit communication) find which ones are most comfortable for you and for your friends.

-                      Increase your belief in yourself and in your ability to communicate. Keep a journal or notes about all the magical things, and the amazing “coincidences.”

-                      Release blocks and negative messages that stop you from relating.

-                      Talk to others – share your experiences, listen to theirs. Read, watch, and listen to stories of magical connections with spirits/nature. (Dividing Worlds is a good example of a novel that normalizes communication with spirits.)

-                      Check in with yourself. How is the relationship developing? How are you feeling in it? What could you do to feel more comfortable? Are you asking for what you need? Are you listening to them?

-                      Follow your Gath. What does the world want you to bring forth? What is your path?

-                      Find teachers to apprentice or learn from. Check if they are centered/balanced in their life, and someone who will encourage and support you in a healthy way. Be cautious of teachers who promise the best/only way or who demand blind obedience or agreement or who are teaching from a need for power or control.

-                      Listen to yourself. You are your best authority.

-                      Connect regularly with your Future Self – who is comfortable connecting with spirits and manifesting your authentic Self in the world. 

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